Halloween at BrightEdge

On Halloween, BrightEdge’s creative energy was on full display!  After a day of hard work (and an Oktoberfest-themed company lunch of sausages, sauerkraut, and plenty of hot mustard) the team gathered in our training room for a Halloween party full of appetizers, donuts, and cider.  We always like to take a little bit of time to hang out with our friends on special occasions, and Halloween is a perfect excuse to release some of our “inner silly”!

Because who doesn't want a Halloween donut...
Because who doesn’t want a Halloween donut…

Our R&D team really got into the spirit of Oktoberfest, so much so that they planned a group costume around the theme!  Props to our R&D Office Manager, Hannah, for sewing her own lederhosen – now that’s commitment to the costume cause!

Hannah, Martin, and Armine – R&D

We also had a visit from BrightEdge’s Bag Man, who took his love of BrightEdge swag to a whole new level…

Tom, Business Development
Tom, Business Development

Mickey and Minnie showed up to grab some pumpkin pie!

Jen and Brie - Recruiting
Jen and Brie – Recruiting

In other mice news, we found 3 blind ones and a cat nearby!

Erin, Nicole, Alexa, and Lia - Marketing
Erin, Nicole, Alexa, and Lia – Marketing

When it came down to our costume contest, we had two categories – individual and group.  We were pleasantly surprised by how many people entered!  For the individual category, we had an astronaut, King Arthur, a bull, a unicorn AND a hunter, a Mad Hatter, a horse, and a Mog (man-dog). However, our winner (decided by an applause-o-meter with tie-breaking powers given to yours truly) was pretty clear.  From the moment she stepped out of the elevator in full costume at 7:30 am covered in green paint, I had a feeling that Venus would be the big winner.  And to make her costume even better, she admitted she made it ALL by hand!  Go Venus!  She’ll be enjoying dinner and a movie on BrightEdge.

Venus, EA and Alex, Sales Ops
Venus, EA and Alex, Sales Ops

Our group costume category was also very well represented, though it was heavily dominated by our Client Services department.  Our two finalists were a Knowledge Graph from Professional Services, and the dancers from the Taylor Swift video Shake It Off represented by the BrightEdge Client Services Analysts.  Yes, these are about as far apart as humanly possible, but they worked really well! PS put a lot of time and effort into their graphs, and were rewarded with our second place group happy hour, but our CSAs really dominated this competition.  They insisted on musical accompaniment for their entrance (and, in fact, played the video nonstop in their department for the entire day to prove their commitment) and provided a lot of laughs for those of us “judging”:

CSAs Shakin' It Off
CSAs Shakin’ It Off
Each CSA was a character from Taylor Swift's Shake It Off video!
Each CSA was a character from Taylor Swift’s Shake It Off video!

Just when the contest was about to draw to a close, the final participant in the CSAs costume grabbed the mike: “Imma let you finish, y’all, but I just wanted you to know that the CSAs had the best costume of the year!!” he said.  Yes, Kanye was here, and even though in this case he was actually SUPPORTING Taylor Swift, he still managed to steal the show:

CSAs and Kanye West
CSAs and Kanye West

We also checked in with our other offices around the country (and the world, as we continue our global expansion) and discovered our New York City EBRs/biker gang zombies challenging the CSMs/sumo wrestlers in their office to a fight:

Zombies vs Sumos, NYC Sales & CSMs
Zombies vs Sumos, NYC Sales & CSMs

And we discovered Tom Brady himself hanging out in Chicago:

Colin, Sales
Colin, Sales

So, across the country, BrightEdgers were showing off their creativity and having a great time with their coworkers!  We can’t wait to top this all next year.