The Recipe for BrightEdge’s Successful Corporate Culture

There’s much that goes into a successful corporate culture, and here at BrightEdge’s SEO company , that “much” equates to both investing in and showing appreciation for its people. When building the company seven years ago, CEO Jim Yu and co-founder/CTO Lemuel Park devoted untold hours defining their shared vision for BrightEdge’s culture, centered on the people with whom they wanted to work.

Group Photo

BrightEdge’s first company “events” took the form of celebrating small milestones of success: after every new release, every five weeks, they would hold a “Release Celebration” that was all about good food and fun for all who contributed: the handful people who then made up BrightEdge.

This first celebratory tradition lives on, expanding with the company’s success and its growing staff that now includes more than 250 people, to encompass so much more. From small yet meaningful events like its weekly “Thank-You Thursdays” to extraordinary annual events such as “President’s Club Trips” to places like Hawaii, being a part of the BrightEdge team of innovators is a rich and rewarding experience!

Here’s a sampling of the happenings that the people of BrightEdge enjoy:

  • Hack-a-thons : BrightEdge Hack-a-thons provide our R&D, product, and engineering teams an opportunity to participate in a competition where they can think creatively, work collaboratively, build incredible SEO technology, and win extremely cool prizes!
  • Thank-You Thursdays : This is a set day when BrightEdge staff have the opportunity to call out a team member who was especially supportive of their efforts, or a colleague who went out of her way to help close a deal, or just someone who brightened their day. It’s a great way to make people feel noticed and special!
  • “All Hands” Celebrations : Every year, we hold an end-of-summer companywide picnic, where we spend some quality time outdoors. We start off with socialization and yummy food, then move on to games of all kinds: volleyball, touch-football, croquet, basketball, Frisbee, softball and much more!
  • BrightEdge Active Club : Our engineering team is a heart-healthy bunch, and started a small running crew. As the word spread, the group has grown to about 10 team members, running anywhere from 2 to 5 miles per week!
  • Catered Friday Lunches : A tradition since 2010, we cater a companywide lunch every Friday. During each lunch, different departments rotate to present a project they are working on.
  • Giant’s Games : When the San Francisco Giants are playing at home, BrightEdge teams enjoy a game together at AT&T Park.
  • Halloween Party: Every year, we hold a companywide Halloween costume competition. We have several categories by which costumes are judged: Most creative, funniest, and of course, craziest!
Halloween Attire
BrightEdge executives show off their Halloween costumes!
  • Potluck Lunches:  A number of different departments like to plan an impromptu team lunch onsite, where everyone can bring a special dish. We’re a competitive bunch, so naturally we hold a contest with several “dish” categories. As you might imagine, many volunteer to be judges!
  • President’s Club Trip: As part of our sales incentive program, we offer a trip for the top performers and achievers of the year. One year, it might be Vegas, while the next, Hawaii. No doubt, the destination is always a blast!

Becoming a part of the BrightEdge family is an awesome adventure, personally as well as professionally. If you’re interested in pursuing a career with us, we encourage you to take a look behind the scenes at BrightEdge , and check into the opportunities we have available.

You can also email us directly via We’d love to have you join us!