BrightEdge Research Reveals the Secret to Content Performance
How to make content performance marketing work better
BrightEdge Engagement Research Reveals the Secret to Content Performance
We’ve spoken often about the content battleground that has emerged: every brand is fighting for attention against the massive volume of content being published daily. So what truly drives performance?
As the leader in Content Performance Marketing, we wanted to dig deeper and offer a window into how brands can compete and be heard above the noise. Tapping into the Data Cube, a dataset of billions of pieces of web-wide content, we analyzed how B2B and B2C content performs online and across devices in our Content Engagement Study .
The Content Performance Engagement Marketing Gap
What we discovered is a major disparity between the content that exists and the content that drives traffic, conversions, and revenue. We refer to this trio as “engagement,” which happens to be the best predictor of content performance. Our research shows that consumer engagement is a mere 20 percent with B2C content, while B2B content engagement sits higher at nearly 50 percent.
Industry Analysis – Hospitality Engagement Is High but Vertical Strategies Differ by Industry
Broken down by industry, you can get an even more granular look at how engagement stacks up.
The range in content engagement levels can be attributed, in part, to the fact that each industry’s content and sales strategies differ.
Read more about how strategies differ in the full report here:
Smartphones Lead By Device Type But Lag Behind Desktop Engagement
Regardless of whether you work in Hospitality, Manufacturing, Technology, Insurance or Retail, when it comes to engagement one fact holds true: there is a massive opportunity for strengthening the performance of your content — and this is especially important when device type is taken into consideration.
Interestingly, we found that although smartphones lead all device categories in market penetration, they lag behind desktop in engagement by a whopping 30 percent.
Fierce competition on the content battleground means marketers can’t just blindly produce content and hope it performs. Instead marketers need to implement a cycle of demand, measurement and optimization — combined with analysis of competitive data — to drive higher content performance across the board. To learn more about how various industries stack up on the engagement scale, or to gain actionable best practices to improve your own content, check out our Content Engagement Study .
Be sure to join us at Share15 September 21-23 in downtown San Francisco. We’ll be meeting with leading marketers to discuss, learn and share insights around topics like content performance and driving engagement.