BrightEdge Weekly Search Recap – 8/19

This week’s top stories focused on the expansion of the search landscape: from social to mobile to technical0- with tips for SEO strategies in each space. There are also some handy tips for dealing with Panda updates, maximizing keyword ROI and creating strategic landing pages. Plus– check out some coverage from this year’s SES Conference!

Admittedly, I’ve been a little negative about “mobile SEO” in my last few posts, but that’s only because I believe “mobile SEO” really shouldn’t be seen as a separate product, just another channel to assist your SEO strategy. Let’s look at a market that really isn’t suited to mobile conversions and look at ways to make it work with your current SEO campaign.

This past week, Google began displaying more information under sitelinks appearing in organic search, now providing a description under links as well as the url for the sitelink page. Additionally, up to 12 sitelinks may appear under the top organic listing. See an example by clicking here.

Was SEOmoz affected by Google’s Panda Updates? It depends how you look at it. Since the first update hit in February of 2011, organic search traffic to SEOmoz has increased by 49%.
SEOmoz and panda

LinkedIn has been experimenting with new social ad formats that tell users when members of their network follow a given advertiser. LinkedIn has given users unprecedented control over whether they’re included in these social ads, and has recently made a retreat on how the ads are presented.

What a way to start the week. The company that once said it would never build its own mobile phones, Google, wants to buy mobile phone maker Motorola Mobility. The technosphere has gone into 5G coverage over the news. Here’s what I’ve been finding interesting and some thoughts.

Landing pages are frequently pushed to the back burner when creating digital marketing campaigns even though they can often have the single greatest impact on the campaign’s success. This is particularly surprising considering landing pages have been a frequent topic that’s been written about and discussed for years.

Google announced they are now incorporating Google + posts and information directly in the search results.
Here is a picture:

Google + Results

Susan Bratton, co-founder and CEO of Digital Life Media, opened SES San Francisco 2011 this morning with her keynote Conversion Triggers. Packed with tools and real-life persuasion marketing lessons, her presentation included a particularly sexy case study using her “Revive Your Drive” product.

Every culture has its own mythology, most of it originally based in fact. However, even as facts change, the mythos behind them fail to budge. In the geekily obsessive world of SEO, it’s no surprise that some once-true SEO myths have stuck around long past their prime.  Here are some nefarious SEO fables that people (hint: possibly you) still believe and waste money on.

As Internet marketing professionals, we often partner with clients in highly technical industries. Developing an effective keyword strategy can pose to be a great challenge when content and search terms involve specialized terminology. A top-notch, detailed keyword research report will help steer your strategy in the right direction. Keyword research reports can be used for writing content, meta data, PPC ads, website development, and branding strategy. Hopefully this guide will assist you in discovering the correct keywords to deploy in your keyword strategy.
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