BrightEdge Weekly Search Recap – 9/2

An infographic showing the growth of social media since its inception was by far the most clicked-through link of the week. There were some updates to Google search tools, and updates on their algorithm change. BrightEdge also had two exciting announcements: we rolled out our collaborative SEO tool, and released a study that shows data and trends in social share plug-in adoption. Read on for more and enjoy the long weekend!

Say what you will about the tidal wave that is social media: it’s over-hyped, a fad halfway through its 15 minutes, that <insert social network, platform, app> surely won’t be around in a few years’ time.

Google has added voice search to Google Maps for Chrome browser users, allowing users to ask for directions verbally and more find hard-to-spell locations. The addition is part of the ongoing integration of voice-recognition technology.

Here are some of the things we do at GPMD to generate a broader set of quality prospects. Using these practices, we’re able to identify a huge
selection of relevant, high quality blogs and industry websites within different sectors.

BrightEdge has developed a module for its search engine optimization platform that allows company employees in one place or worldwide locations to collaborate on SEO campaigns. The goal, of course, is to rank higher in organic search listings.

One of the biggest challenges in analyzing conversions to your website is figuring out which channels contributed to a goal conversion. A new change to Google Analytics now allows you to see when multiple channels contribute to a goal.

Those who’ve been involved in search engine optimization for any real duration know that there’s no one Google algorithm to keep up with. In addition to having a couple world-breaking changes per year (Google Instant and Panda being the most recent), there are constant minor changes that change how search works. However, Google recently discussed how those many minor changes are created, tested, and implemented. Knowing this process will help you gauge exactly how seriously to take different types of changes.

Google has released a new snippet format that extracts details from long lists and displays them in a bullet-point. The snippet format replaces meta descriptions and is used for sites that give categorical listings

A new report from SEO firm BrightEdge reveals that having a Twitter share button, like the one on the right, on your website can help drive up to 7x more exposure via social media.

BuzzFeed founder and CEO Jonah Peretti talks about how an e-mail exchange with Nike led to his idea for promoting social content across the Web.

Many years ago, Google stated ten points on their Corporate Philosophy page