BrightEdge Weekly Search Recap – 9/30

This week’s news was all about the search industry: tips for SEO, new web tools, content sharing, Twitter’s new mobile influence and a Russian investment into a United States search engine. Read on for more…

The phrase “if this, then that” is a bit of programming-speak: you tell the computer that if this happens, it should perform this action.

Over 160,000 new top-level domains were registered yesterday. 160,000! This huge volume of new sites being birthed wasn’t unique to yes terday; this happens every day (you can check out today’s progress at

Good news to all you link builders out there. SEOmoz just updated the PRO SEO Web Directory List. The long overdue update includes over 400 directories (up from 180) separated into three categories – Web, Local and Social.

Blekko is the either the fourth US search engine or the third if you no longer consider Yahoo a search engine. And the company has been able to maintain visibility and stir the pot withits persistent criticism of Google search results being spam-filled.

I love using Advanced Segments in Google Analytics. Sure, you can export a big chunk of data to Excel and then use some Excel wizardry to clean up the data and display it in different ways, but what if you just need to get a quick snapshot of certain traffic or trends, but the default segments don’t go far enough? I’ve put together a few of my favorite Google Analytics Advanced Segments for you, so that you can add them to your own Analytics and use them as you need.

Search marketing’s bull-boom years appear to be over. At this point, the humble banner ad is where the action is. Display is growing faster than search and, according to one estimate at least, will be a bigger ad category in 2015.

Recent changes to Google’s search ranking algorithms and highly publicized search penalization of well-known brands, have caused much angst in the SEO community. However, Google’s changes to its algorithms aren’t new.

Pandora, LinkedIn, and many others are moving to HTML5 to give users a cross-platform, rich media experience. The latest to participate in this tend is SlideShare, a sharing platform for business documents, videos and presentations.

Our industry is by nature quite active and vocal online. Hundreds of thousands of SEO blogs exist, with a wide range in quality, originality, and novelty of content. To those of us practicing SEO on a daily basis, a lot of content may be summarily dismissed as regurgitation or noise, for noise sake.

Twitter Mobile Usage Rising
Yesterday, at the 2011 Mobilize conference, Twitter’s VP of engineering Michael Abbot spoke with Om Malik regarding Twitter’s overall growth and the role mobile devices play in that growth. Prior to joining Twitter 16 months ago, Abbot led the software and services team at Palm.