Share15 Twitter Chat – Wiley, Home Depot, Cabela’s, VMWare, Epicor & more

In the leadup to #Share15, we hosted a Twitter chat, all about marketing on the #ContentBattleground. We invited industry experts from all different companies to participate, and welcomed Amberly Dressler of Website Magazine as our moderator.

Let’s face it: competition is stiff in today’s marketing landscape — and that’s putting it lightly. With so many brands constantly producing content of all types, the industry has become more crowded than ever. But it’s not enough to simply go to battle; you’ve got to have a strategy in place. Haphazardly churning out content isn’t going to cut it anymore. Performance is the new game, and data-driven insights — both your own and the competition’s — will help get you to the finish line.

Between challenges we face and predictions we have for the future, we covered a lot of ground during our chat. Below is a recap of some of our favorite tweets.

We’ll be continuing our discussion on all things content at Share15, the industry’s leading digital marketing conference.

Use this code (20WSMShare15) for 20% off registration .