Five Tenets of Secure Search for Strong SEO


The number “5.” Significant in so many ways!

The Five Elements

The Taoists believed the universe is comprised of 5 elements: Water, Fire, Earth, Wood and Metal.




The Perfect Fifth

In music, the “perfect fifth” is the basis for Pythagorean tuning of musical instruments.




 The Five Olympics Rings

There are 5 interlocking rings on the Olympic Games logo, representing the 5 participating continents of the world.

Olympics logo

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The Committee of Five

The “Committee of Five” – John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Roger Sherman and Robert Livingston – drafted and presented the United States Declaration of Independence.

Commitee of five



The 5-second rule

The “5-second rule” is a common justification for eating food that has fallen on the ground for five seconds or less.




The number 5 also happens to the be fiber of the “Secure Search Manifesto” – comprised of 5 tenets that hold 20,000 marketers abide by in the era of digital marketing that’s happening right now.

Secuer Search Manifesto Banner

BrightEdge created the Secure Search Manifesto as a declaration of what matters to the SEO community today. The Manifesto is a response to the massive changes the SEO landscape has seen as a result of data loss that many SEOs relied upon.


Secure Search: What it Changed

Marketers have been operating in a “secure search,” or encrypted search, environment for some time. Back in 2010, Google announced encrypted search in beta, and in 2011, launched it for all users signed in to Google. This resulted in the “(not provided)” keyword data marketers began to see.

In 2013, Google made search 100 percent encrypted, which meant little to no keyword data in analytics would be available.

There was no going back.

This presented a dramatic shift in the way many SEOs approached marketing and tracked progress. A new year signifies a new start for SEO – the Secure Search Manifesto serves as a foundation for marketers to perform better in 2014.


The Secure Search Manifesto

The Secure Search Manifesto represents the convictions of more than 20,000 SEO practitioners using BrightEdge technology, including more than 8,500 brands comprised of nine out of 10 top hotel chains, seven out of 10 leading online retailers and seven out of 10 top tech companies.

Secure Search Manifesto

Clients like Marriott, ModCloth and Rosetta all agree the concepts in The Manifesto are representative of where SEO is now, and where it’s headed tomorrow.

The Secure Search Manifesto holds the following truths to be self-evident.


Analytics is the source of truth

SEO reporting requires real – not estimated – business metrics, including traffi­c, conversions and revenue. At BrightEdge, we present actual data that matters to the business.


Rank still matters (and always will)

Marketers need complete visibility into how content appears in the search results by device type (mobile, tablet, desktop), in universal listings and by location (city, and country). Through our sophisticated technology, BrightEdge reports authentic rank across these important categories.


“Page” is the new center of the universe

Keywords still matter, but web pages are a much better indicator of how your content is performing today. With BrightEdge Page Reporting , we allow clients to measure at the page level, by grouping pages by business units, allowing for period-over-period comparisons, giving on- and off-page recommendations and offering global competitive insights.


All data is relevant and connected

Marketers in 2014 need access to best-in-class data that gives a holistic snapshot of progress. BrightEdge offers 20/20 vision through its integration with Google Webmaster Tools , Majestic Backlinks data and a massive reverse index of the web.


SEOs need a trustworthy partner

In a business environment where anyone with an interest in SEO can claim to know, and in-house SEOs must prove their worth,  our customer success functions as your trusted advisor and strategic partner. We’re constantly tracking trends and working with you on SEO best practices so you can stay ahead of the curve.


Secure search – full guide

Google Ranking secure search