Google +1
As many of you already know, Google recently introduced a new feature, the +1 button . When you are logged in and searching Google, the +1 button will appear next to search results. You can click on the button to share pages that you think are “pretty cool.” When your friends search on Google, they will be able to see your +1s and vice versa. You can always undo +1s if you change your mind at a later date. The search results currently will only display items +1d by your social network although at some time in the future Google may start showing how many people globally or nationally have +1d a result.
The Google +1 button is essentially a response to Facebook’s like button . Google is currently working on getting +1 buttons rolled out for websites similar to the Facebook Like and Twitter Tweet buttons already in place. For SEO managers, this is a further example of search engines emphasizing social signals as indicators of relevance. We know that Bing and Google already use information from Twitter and Facebook when calculating their results. For BrightEdge customers, we have already integrated Facebook and Twitter information into our Recommendations Engine. We will be monitoring the impact of the +1 on search engine rankings, and, if relevant, we will be looking at ways to bring that data to you in our platform.