Google ‘Search Plus Your World’ And You!

Google rolled out its biggest update to search with ‘Search Plus Your World’. The new search results allow users to find public information and privately shared content through a single search. Results now include:

  1. Public web listings
  2. Public Google+ posts and photos, Picasa photos
  3. Private Google+ posts and photos, Picasa photos

We keep a close eye on changes in search and help you respond right away. The summary below describes how this update affects marketing and what you can do to capitalize on this update.

What this means for marketing

  • Social matters even more

    Social’s impact on search has been discussed for a while, and the update reinforces it’s influence on rankings and brand. Google+ content such as posts, pages and photos will feature prominently in search results, and the importance of social as a ranking factor will continue to rise over time. For marketers, this is a powerful way to drive SEO performance and brand image.

  • SEO scope expands

    SEO continues to expand – it is both more segmented and more integrated across digital channels. SEO success now requires a unified strategy that spans both websites as well as social media presence. This strategy requires integrated analytics, integrated content, and a unified user and search engine experience. SEOs must also begin to optimize social channels for search engines.

  • Impact varies across segments

    While the impact will likely affect many segments over time, searches with heavy personality-driven keywords (entertainment, politics and sports) or strong customer facing brands (cars, consumer electronics and games) will see more Google+ content sooner.

  • Universal search evolves

    Universal search has been present for some time, but the source of content displayed has changed. This may mean that previous content no longer displays in the same prominence as before – marketers will see competition from content within their users’ social networks.

How you can navigate these changes

  • Create or optimize your Google+ page

    If you don’t have a Google+ page, please create one. If you have a Google+ page, optimize your site to reinforce your Google+ page and vice versa.

  • Unify site, search and social strategy

    Make sure there is a coherent, integrated plan between the three different channels that includes integrated analytics and messaging. It’s also important to create a unified “search engine” experience—make sure that Google and other engines see and show the consistent messaging and content.

  • Manage site, search and social together

    Understanding the relationship between the three channels in a changing market is critical. We recommend creating a single dashboard with visibility across channels; be sure to include universal, social and keywords specific to Search Plus Your World. Analyze your keywords to identify the value and importance from different channels, and prioritize.

  • Assess universal search results

    Look at the universal search results and see if there are any major changes, positive or negative. Analyze keywords to determine their likelihood to be impacted by the change and build an improvement plan

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