“I Want To Buy” – The Purchase Micro-Moment – Part 3

This is part 3 in the micro-moments series. The previous entry focused on the  “I want to go” micro-moment . “I want to buy” is the next moment in the series. It is highly relevant to all digital marketers because it is the moment that represents a chance to make a sale to the user. Good content in other moments may also drive a sale. However, none of them will convert as well as “I want to buy”.


The “I Want To Buy” Micro-Moment I want to buy micro moment

As mentioned above, digital marketers should value this micro-moment because it has the most direct path to value.

Users who make it to “I want to buy” are at the end of their buyer’s journey. They have most likely engaged in several other micro-moments prior to reaching this step. The user already understands what they are looking for. They have already decided what they want in general terms. They have probably also done research on your product as well as your competitor’s offerings. Now they want to make a final decision and execute on their purchase.

“I want to buy” is relevant for more than just traditional e-commerce businesses. Services, hospitality, events, and business-to-business are all affected by this micro-moment as well. The types of keywords that users search may differ, but the intention to purchase is there.


SERP Features

From an organic search perspective, “I want to buy” is not as straightforward as the other micro-moments in the series. It is still possible to detect based on SERP features, but they are not organic features. This means that the appropriate content marketers should build does not align directly with how the SERP is structured. After looking at the SERP identifiers for “I want to buy”, we will look at what content to build for these terms.


Top Ads 4-Pack

Heavy commercialization can be helpful in identifying the “I want to buy” micro-moment. The 4-pack of top ads is the best way to recognize this in the modern SERP.

Here’s what a 4-pack might look like in the SERP:

I want to buy 4-pack

Ad presence for any keyword can vary depending on seasonality and other factors. Despite that, finding a consistently heavy presence means that the keyword has significant value for businesses. This isn’t guarantee of “I want to buy” but it is a good indicator.


Shopping Listings

Shopping listings also indicate purchase intent. They show up most when Google believes that the user is ready to make a purchase of one of the items. This is another case of Google’s behavior helping to identify a micro-moment. If users were not ready to buy, it would be a bad experience to have product listings shown.

Here’s what a typical Shopping result looks like:

I want to buy shopping

Shopping results are the strongest indicator of the “I want to buy” micro-moment because they connect directly to the sale of a product. They even include pricing, so a user who clicks into a particular one is prequalifying themselves on price.

However, the e-commerce nature of shopping results limits their application. The other business models will not take advantage of shopping results as they are not present in those industries.


Appropriate Content

Building appropriate content for “I want to buy” is a little bit different from the other micro-moments. This is because paid result types are the strongest indicators of this micro-moment. Placing these ads yourself or working with your paid counterparts to do so is a great place to start.

Despite the ads, some of the traffic will work its way down to the organic listings. Capturing this traffic is still valuable since it has such high conversion potential .

Bottom of funnel, action-oriented pages are appropriate for “I want to buy”. Each business should identify those pages for themselves since ideal content type will vary by industry.



The “I want to buy” micro-moment is a huge part of any site driving value and purchases. Users in this micro-moment are ready to make a decision, and it is up to marketers to provide options for them.


What is the latest Google update?

I want to buy serp layout change