Jason Tabeling, Partner at Rosetta on Global and Mobile SEO at BrightEdge Share13



Jason Tabeling, Partner at Rosetta, is speaking and moderating the Global and Mobile SEO panel at Share13. In this post he discusses critical industry issues with marketing, content and digital thought leader Andy Betts.

SEO marketers at global companies aspire to reach customers worldwide, and drive traffic, leads, and revenue through global SEO initiatives. Leveraging marketing initiatives beyond a single country also helps them demonstrate a greater ROI on investments. Search engines typically deliver country-specific results. Hence optimizing campaigns across engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, Baidu and Yandex are critical components of a global concerted approach to SEO. Not only does this boost marketing ROI but also maintains global brand consistency while accommodating local nuances.

According to our recent Search Marketing Survey , Global SEO & Ranking is a key priority for brands and agencies in 2013 with over two-thirds of marketers surveyed stating that global ranking is going to be important in 2013.

Global SEO Priorities

As Share13 clients will share insight into how we should be prioritizing geo location and device in search within the Global perspective. Leading brands such as Adobe, Gap and Symantec will talk through strategy and tactics that get results from organic search in the face of the changing global landscape.

In parallel as the adoption of mobile and tablet devices surges, many brands are seeing more searches from mobile devices, making it imperative that marketers understand the differences in how people search from different devices. We will explore ways to leverage this trend.

Jason Tabeling from Rosetta Marketing talks Global SEO and Mobile at Share13

AB : Welcome to Share13 Jason. It’s great to have you on board

JT: I am excited and honored to be speaking at Share13.  This event brings together some of the best brands and brightest agencies in the country to discuss the future of the industry.  BrightEdge as a platform is helping us do great things for brands.  The Share conferences provide an unmatched opportunity to discuss ideas and learn new things from the leading minds in this space.

AB: Can you tell us more about your panel and topic?

JT: My topic on Global and Mobile SEO addresses two of the biggest areas of opportunity for our clients.  Mobile is becoming a major factor as it steals one-third of the search traffic for companies, especially in eCommerce. Hence the implications to SEO are monumental.  Global has always been a big area of opportunity, and now with the tools and scale that is available there are new possibilities that cannot be ignored.

AB: How does Mobile fit into the Global search marketing equation?

JT: Mobile search is not just taking traffic away from desktop, but is adding incremental volume.  It is extremely important to understand mobile search and its impact on your brand.  Impact in this case cannot be solely defined by sales.  The definition of mobile has to be viewed through a different lens.  What are the user behaviors with mobile?  How does keyword volume differ?  What are the consumers’ expectations of mobile search under different contexts (time of day, location, device)?  These are the important questions that we need to understand with mobile in 2013.  It is no longer if or when mobile, but how.

AB: One of the key themes at Share13 is the rise of earned media. What are your thoughts on this and how do you view earned, paid and owned media at Rosetta?

JT: At Rosetta we actually renamed our group Paid, Owned, and Earned media to signal to our clients that the space is not either/or, but that these pieces are inherently intertwined.  It is the intersection of these components where real marketing magic takes place.  Where brands struggle here is with organizational design and access to data. They struggle because these two components often create incentives that are driven by siloed performance.  Data can also lie in certain areas not available to others, not because it is impossible to acquire, but the correlations between the channels and the understood value of those insights isn’t yet recognized.

Andy and Jason went on to talk in much more detail about the role of content and publishing in SEO and we will be sharing further commentary and insight from Jason and other key speakers on this in the coming weeks.

Jason will be moderating the Global and Mobile SEO panel on day 1, 22 nd August at 2.10pm. Full panel details and agenda are below:

  1. Speaker/Moderator: Jason Tabeling, Partner, Rosetta
  2. Speaker: David Lloyd, Sr. Manager, Global Search Marketing, Adobe
  3. Speaker: Ken Yamada, Digital Marketing / Business Development, GAP
  4. Speaker: Chuo-Han Lee, Sr. Manager, eCommerce, Symantec

Click here to see the full agenda at BrightEdge Share13. 

A big thanks to Jason for sharing his insight.

Stay tuned for more from Jason and other key speakers shortly!

About Jason Tabeling

Jason Tabeling is a Partner at Rosetta responsible for all things paid, owned, and earned media. Jason has a deep understanding of digital marketing, including paid search marketing and online display advertising. He has successfully managed dozens paid search campaigns, and has developed integrated strategies across all connected devices for various clients focusing on each core competencies in both the online and offline channels.

About Andy Betts

Andy Betts  has 15 years of strategic marketing, content and digital marketing experience working with many of the industry’s leading global agencies and brands across key strategic and marketing growth functions.

Andy works with BrightEdge on strategic marketing, content and digital strategy whilst also writing and ghost writing for leading publications such as Huffington Post, Search Engine Watch and Econsultancy. Andy’s articles have appeared in Search Engine Land, Venture Beat, Mediapost, and the NYT. You can reach Andy on Twitter as  @andybetts1  and on  LinkedIn .