NEW BrightEdge Insights – Your Personal Data Analyst

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the volume of data you need to consume and understand every week? Then you’re in the same position as most digital and search marketers who are trying to uncover practical insights about their market, customers, and competition from the torrent of content performance data at their disposal.

It’s complex and time-consuming to find answers to questions like what content is resonating, do I have any gaps, and where are my opportunities? At BrightEdge, we knew there had to be a better way, especially given all the recent advances in artificial intelligence and big data.

We started to investigate if we could create the equivalent of a personal data analyst that would help search marketers make sense of all their data. The answer was yes , and the result is BrightEdge Insights .

How does Insights work?

With Insights, we start by taking all the data that we have access to inside and outside of the BrightEdge platform, Data Cube, your website visits, revenue, keywords, competitors, pages, recommendations, site audit, etc. Then we analyze this data to find potential issues, opportunities, success, and losses to report.

We could have stopped here, but this would just be adding to the existing sea of data. We wanted to add real value for our customers, so we challenged ourselves to make Insights smart . It should only focus on the most relevant and actionable findings, just as a smart data analyst would. It should not tell you the obvious, the unimportant, or drown you in more data.

datamind infographic

To make Insights smart, we extend the analysis to evaluate each of the potential items by adding context and history. We take the largest most accurate data set in the industry and use deep learning to understand which of these insights are statistically significant, deviate from expected behavior, and drive most impact for your site. This step is the hardest to implement, but is the most critical. We wanted to help solve the data overload problem, not add to it with more low-quality information.

We then do this at scale. Insights will look at millions of web pages, keywords, metrics, and competitors that can have thousands of changes a week, again using deep learning to prioritize the set to just the most impactful and actionable items. This is why when you enter Insights, you might only see a few items that deserve your immediate attention. For example, if we flag 3 pages with 404 errors, you need to check each immediately. Out of all the possible page errors, we could have reported, these have the most significant impact on your SEO program.

Insights are smart

Let’s say your traffic is always higher on weekends than weekdays. Getting an alert every weekend that your traffic is up would not be very useful, even though it is correct. Instead, Insights looks at your traffic history, figures out what is the typical range increase on the weekends, and only flags to you increases that are higher (congratulations!) or lower (a possible issue?) than the expected range.

How to use Insights?

The best part about Insights is that you don’t have to configure anything. It’s smart, so figures out what’s important by itself. The more you use BrightEdge, the smarter Insights get, similar to Pandora or Netflix, where recommendations improve over time based on your usage.

You access Insights from the “Home” tab, where we will automatically show you the top 5 Insights across all of the Insights available to you. Home is your command center. A new place to start your week on the right foot. View your top KPIs for your site and track the opportunities or issues you care about most by subscribing to Insights. That way you’ll always be alerted to changes in the future.

brightedge insights dashboard screen Of course, you could do all this analysis yourself. But can you imagine how long it would take to look at all of your keywords, pages, and metrics (revenue, traffic, conversions) every week then drill down for each of their unique contextual and historical patterns, connecting dots across multiple data sources, before only reporting the significant deviations? It would require endless hours and unlimited resources.

BrightEdge Insights – with access to Data Cube, Share-of-Voice, Recommendations, ContentIQ site auditing results, your website analytics data, your competitors’ metrics, and more – is going to synthesize all keywords and pages then use deep learning to crunch the numbers while you are sleeping. And instead of flagging 500 pages to fix, it will focus on the top 3 to 5 pages that will make the biggest impact on your site.

So, that’s Insights – your personal data analyst who never calls in sick and works for you 24/7. Insights will always be cranking away, and only gets better as you use it.

Log in today to try out Insights or request a demo to learn more!