Optimizing Your Content for Quick Answers

Given that an estimated 51% of your website traffic arrives from organic search, it is important to keep track on what new developments can boost your organic traffic. Google Quick Answers  – highly-visible text snippet answers and links placed at the top of the Google SERPs – were observed to provide a huge boost in organic traffic . Quick Answers  appear up to 40% of the time for some types of queries. Some of the most important things to know about Quick Answers are:

  • Quick Answers example Pages that have a Quick Answer box and ranked result perform better than those with just a high-ranking result
  • Quick Answers click-through traffic generates increased revenue and conversions
  • Quick Answers allow sites that haven’t made it to the top of the SERP to receive a huge boost in traffic


How do I earn a Quick Answers box?

Download the  white paper “Getting Into Quick Answers” to understand 4 key factors that Google looks at when choosing a page to show up in the Quick Answer box. The white paper features a step-by-step process from choosing the best opportunities to optimizing for Quick Answers, shows how the BrightEdge platform helps you gain Quick Answer boxes, and track success. It finishes by outlining 20+ optimization best practices that maximize your chances of boosting organic traffic to your website.

Get started optimizing your content today.


Quick Answers white paper