Replatform & Migration: Track Results Post Major Tech Updates

Replatfrom and Migration

The BrightEdge platform can provide detailed reporting and analysis following site migrations . Whether moving to a new CMS or changing your domain address entirely, BrightEdge provides the tools to successfully manage major technical site updates. Talk with your agency CSM prior to implementing major technical site updates for additional ideas!

Dashboards :
Side-by-side comparison of two domains makes tracking transfer of rankings for target terms from the old domain to new domain extremely simple.
Track Old Domain Versus New

Site Audit :
Visualize technical errors trended over time and quickly identify any SEO issues immediately upon site launch.

Site Audit with New Site Data Cube :
Track aggregate performance of the new domain vs. old domain to demonstrate successful transition of rankings across the BrightEdge 3 million+ Data Cube keyword index.

Data Cube Aggregate Performance Tracker



Read the full guide on site migration with BrightEdge


SEo site Redesign site migration