SEO Forecasting

SEO Forecasting and Decision Making

SEO Forecasting Leads to Better Decisions and Greater ROI

People have been attempting to forecast the weather for millennia. Applying both science and technology, they’ve tried to understand patterns in atmospheric processes and have looked at data to project how the weather will be at a certain time and how it will evolve. Because of weather forecasting, meteorologists and other weather specialists have been able to predict not only typical trends in weather, but they’ve also been able to predict extreme natural disasters days and even weeks before their occurrences. As a result of this forecasting, cities and individuals have been able to prepare, cost in damages reduced, and lives have been saved.

Not altogether dissimilar is the forecasting many businesses perform when looking to predict and analyze trends that will determine how to best allocate their funds. Truly successful businesses will spend time forecasting, looking at specific benchmarks because they know that doing so will garner a better understanding of trends and provide a higher ROI when acting on the information.

Forecasting SEO Is No Small Task

Being able to accurately measure and then predict the financial value of SEO to a business is not an easy task, though a valuable one. But to be able to do so will help you make the most of SEO marketing in an industry that is relatively young but growing quickly. If you’re already using SEO to increase exposure and revenue for your business, it will be helpful to you to understand how to predict how valuable your SEO efforts will be. And if you’re not already doing SEO, this might be just what you need to hear to convince you to get started.

So how valuable, really, is SEO? Even after deep SEO analysis , it can be difficult to precisely define the ROI of SEO. One of the reasons that SEO might often be discredited is because, if misunderstood, it can come off as too “wishy-washy.” Another reason might be because so many digital marketers don’t believe that there are hard numbers out there to support the ROI of SEO.

Because of this gap in understanding, a lot of digital marketers don’t make intelligent decisions when it comes to SEO. This results in overconfident digital marketers, or SEOs, allocating either not enough or too many resources on keywords out of reach. They might be overly optimistic in their abilities or perhaps unaware of the returns that more resources could provide them. Maybe the decision-makers see too little value in SEO and, mistakenly, discredit it before understand the returns it could bring.

Both of these thought-processes are flawed, and could be costly.

Enter The Search Opportunity Forecasting Tool

The Search Opportunity Forecasting tool created by BrightEdge makes predicting the ROI of your SEO efforts easy. You’ll be able to see answers to questions that will clear up any doubts anyone might have about what SEO can do for you but also get the most out of what you put into it. BrightEdge’s tool answers questions related to keyword research, for example. Maybe you want to know what the financial impact of your keywords will be. The tool will help you focus on the keywords that will help you achieve forecasted business outcomes. You’ll be able to understand keyword opportunity and to see what the future of certain keywords looks like. It will help you identify and hone in on the keywords with the greatest potential for delivering results.

SEO opportunity forecasting

The answers to these questions, among others, will give digital marketers the tools they need to pitch a robust SEO strategy to those who have the power to decide what kind of resources will be allocated to an SEO game plan. Ultimately, digital marketing is about making informed decisions, and the more data you have, the more success you will have.


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