Share15: BrightEdge Hands-On Labs for Digital Marketers
Reinforcing the Share15 theme “Share Insights – Elevate Performance” BrightEdge will for the first time offer learning labs at Share. At Share15, BrightEdge will launch this new format that will enable digital marketers to deepen their first-hand knowledge in key capabilities of the BrightEdge platform and with key partner technologies. The labs will be smaller sessions where people will work on their laptops to simultaneously learn and master the topics. The labs will be a free option to the session breakouts for all Share attendees. Look for the green section on the Share agenda .
Lab details:
- Labs will be 75 minutes, like the sessions
- Labs will be hands-on with some discussion and information transfer and then actual exercises design to help solidify next steps
- The lab topics will roughly follow the 3 tracks: SEO, Content and Digital Marketing.
Insight, Analysis & Response
Take a deep dive into BrightEdge Data Cube, learn how to use the powerful, advanced capabilities of StoryBuilder, and set up Anomaly Detection within your account. Data Cube provides the industry’s most advanced keyword discovery and allows you to compare to competitors to identify attractive new keywords in the high-volume queries and in the long tail . Learn how to use the nearly unlimited reporting capacity of StoryBuilder to answer the basic and advanced questions about how your content and site are performing. Anomaly Detection will keep you aware of changes you want to track and respond to.
Audit, Exploration & Campaigns
Learn how to review, interpret, and address BrightEdge Site Recommendations from on-page to accessibility to linking. Explore Opportunity Forecasting and how it measures and monetizes the profit impact of improving keyword breadth or rank. Knowing the estimated ROI of an organic campaign is invaluable to marketers to secure budget from their organizations. Lastly, the lab will instruct attendees on how to build and track Campaigns in the platform.
Content Performance Marketing
Content is the core media for organic marketing, and the BrightEdge platform puts marketers in a strong position to understand how productive that content is at generating traffic and results. Learn how to understand local, video, images, Quick Answers and more. Organize page groups to understand how your blog, case studies, and white papers are performing. Having a more accurate understanding of your content performance will allow you to better allocate human resources and program budgets for maximum effect.
Telling the SEO Story and Mobile
Create top-notch dashboards and learn how to target their distribution throughout your organization. Master BrightEdge Page Grouping and BrightEdge’s exclusive Page Reporting to unlock secure search and query volume and clicks to a particular page. Review BrightEdge’s complete mobile solution and learn how to set up your tracking and reports to highlight the differences and opportunities between desktop and mobile for traffic and revenue. In this and all labs, you can deploy your newly acquired knowledge directly into your own account.
Mastering Backlink Analysis and Execution — Majestic Master Class
Did you know that Majestic operates one of the largest crawlers in the world, indexing 7 billion new pages on the web every day to create a powerful index of backlink information? That index helps search marketers understand the backlinks affecting their own and their competitors’ websites and rankings.
Additional partner labs will be added as we get closer to Share15. Register now to enjoy the 60+ brand speakers , general sessions, labs, forums, and networking.