Share15 Countdown: Just Two Months Until Share15
With just 2 months left until we kick off Share15 we are looking forward to hearing presentations from some of the biggest names in the industry from Google, Salesforce, Marriott, Hilton, Adobe, Tableau, Open Table and 4 dozen more — right in the heart of San Francisco.
Last year our conference brought together more than 1,000 digital thought leaders and practitioners for a fantastic two-day conference that left people feeling invigorated and ready to rise above the noise in the competitive digital landscape. The brand-driven conference promises to again reset the standard in industry conference information and opportunity.
“I am really looking forward to “talking shop” with other marketers at Share15, sharing insights and implementing new strategies on my return from the conference,” said Jesse Farley from Cabela’s and a Share15 session speaker.
This year Share will be even bigger. We have more people, more tracks, more sessions, more formats and a larger event space, and we are ready to dive into the heart of search and content and digital marketing.
“It’s confirmed my decision on pushing my company in this direction and inspired to deliver performance for my company,” said Thomson Reuters after Share14 last year.
With well over 1,000 people expected to attend and some excellent activities for learning, networking and peer-to-peer conversations, we are confident that Share15 will exceed attendee expectations.
As we work on the finishing touches on an already-packed conference, we wanted to share with you some of the latest details about the event.
Our tracks
We will have three central themes to help us cover the major building blocks of marketing:
- Content marketing
- Digital marketing
- Search marketing
With 6 different sessions and 20 speakers dedicated to each track, participants can find the specific presentations and speakers that will help them grow as a professional and deliver results to their employers.
The sessions within each track promise to provide fantastic case studies, practical takeaways, and enlightening discoveries. We look for participants to feel challenged and encouraged as they learn better ways to grow in marketing and seize the opportunities of the latest techniques and technology.
Unprecedented List of Session Speakers – Brands, Brands, Brands
We have been working since last fall to develop a speaker list that brings together the leaders in the field. You will hear from people like Matt Lawson, the Director of Performance Ads Marketing for Google. As a core evangelist for digital marketing best practices, the insights he has to offer about finding your target audience online will be unparalleled.
Woodson Martin, the SVP of Marketing Cloud Operations for Salesforce will provide a noteworthy presentation as will Roger Lee, General Partner of Battery Ventures and Clay Stobaugh, EVP Chief Marketing Officer of Wiley.
BrightEdge’s own CEO and Founder Jim Yu and CTO and Founder Lemuel Park will present the latest product breakthroughs for the community.
Our speakers come from a wide range of B2B and B2C businesses, from Marriott International, The Home Depot, Tableau Software, Monster Energy, VMWare, Oracle, Western Union, Maxim, Time Inc, Epicor Software, and dozens more.
Each speaker brings with them the insight, knowledge, and context that will make this conference outrageously interesting and useful. We are proud to welcome more than 55 brand speakers. For a full list of speakers, sessions, and topics, please see our Share15 site.
New Learning Labs – Hands-On Learning
Of course, the speakers are only one key component to a fantastic conference experience. This year at Share15 we will also be offering learning labs. We believe that this incredible opportunity to internalize the latest market tips and techniques will make it even easier for participants to gain additional value from their conference participation. The labs will be 75 minutes long and will help participants take the valuable insights from the presentations and translate them into exercises and real-world experience.
These innovative labs will give you the chance to work on your laptops in smaller groups with other Share participants. Each one is free and an alternative to the session breakouts and will roughly follow the three tracks of Search, Content and Digital Marketing. This will not be a conference that helps you catch up to the rest of the industry– this will be where ideas, skills and connection are developed that let you jump out in front.
“The passion of the speakers plus the great networking conversations brings value you’re hard pressed to find at some of the broader industry conferences,” said Lauren MacPhail, the Director of SEO and Organic Content for, after the Share14 conference.
The learning labs promise to amplify that value even more. By attending these labs you will be able to dive into some incredible technology like the groundbreaking BrightEdge Data Cube or attend partner labs from Majestic on link building and Jump Shot on advanced analytics. You can learn to use the various tools within the BrightEdge platform including StoryBuilder, Site Recommendations, Page Reporting and more to take your content marketing efforts to the next level. You will get to see how to customize these tools to your own content and goals and see how the innovative BrightEdge technology will take your business to new heights.
We are gearing up for an exciting September conference, and we hope that you are ready to join us. Check back regularly with us for updates as we get ready for two days of marketing, networking and fantastic conversations.
No matter how you like to get value out of your investment in a conference, you will be able to at Share15.
Early Bird Pricing Ends July 31. Save $400 today .
Event Details
September 21-23, 2015
Westin St. Francis, Union Square, San Francisco
We hope to see you here!