The Art of Digital Marketing Integration – at Share15

ancestry As the VP of Channel Marketing for, Mark Fiske understands the art of an integrated campaign. He is in charge of leading the television, display, search, mobile, content and social acquisition programs– helping to build the brand across all channels. Mark is an experienced lecturer at a variety of ecommerce and marketing events, including Share, and we are excited to have him speak again at our industry-leading event Share15 in just a few weeks. has recently upgraded to the BrightEdge platform and we enjoy working with him and his team. We took a few minutes to sit down and discuss the changes we have seen in the industry and gather some insights about what he will present at Share.

The Enterprise SEO Talent Gap

BrightEdge (BE): What key trends and challenges have you noticed in the SEO industry lately?

Mark Fiske (MF) : I have noticed that it has been remarkably challenging to find talented SEOs. Many people and businesses are interested in the quick fixes. If they are specialized in SEO, then they know how to game the system and see short term results. Others prefer to focus on other areas of marketing where it is easy to see results quickly and efficiently. Finding people who understand not only how to build a long-term campaign but also have the right mix of product, marketing and development background that can create the necessary campaign for an enterprise organization can be a real struggle for many brands.

The Content Development Shift

BE: What trends have you noticed in the industry overall?

MF: There seems to have been a shift in how businesses and marketers look at their content development. In the past, it was viewed more as a link page or the opportunity to rank for different keywords. Lately, people have been paying more attention to their relationship with their customers. They are leveraging their content as an opportunity to capture people’s attention and bring in new visitors.

I also believe that producing high-quality content regularly is the best way to actually encourage external link building and development. If you want to attract high-quality links you have to produce the high-quality material that will attract the desired attention. It will allow you to catch the eye of the influencers and get them to share your content and securing the reach.

The and BrightEdge Partnership

BE: It has been great having the opportunity to work with you and Why do you like working with BE?

MF : I have found that in SEO, you need every possible advantage. Every 2% here and 3% there can deliver the changes you need to see to accomplish your goals. The BrightEdge content performance platform is a fantastic source of the valuable data that we need to make the necessary adjustments.

To succeed in SEO, you need to play the long game– you need to be able to look down the road and see how your changes can positively impact the brand reputation and result in more leads and sales. It is not as much of a dollar-in-dollar-out game that paid options are, but the potential for long term results and great ROI once the campaign gets off the ground is incredible.BrightEdge technology helps to make that possible.

Mark Fiske at Share15 – Attribution Untangled

Mark Fiske Share15

BE: What are you planning on speaking about with the attendees?

MF : I will be speaking about practical approaches to attribution modelling that apply to the front lines. It is my job to make sure that everything is working together towards a common goal, and attribution is key to that. This valuable experience in integrated marketing gives me the insight to hopefully create an informative and engaging presentation that will help attendees better understand how to make integrated marketing work for them.

I find that front-line marketers often find attribution modelling and how it applies to their jobs on a daily basis to be confusing. I hope to help them understand what an attribution model is and how they can build their desired model. Not only do I want them to walk away feeling confident in the idea of an attribution model, I want them to be able to see how they can leverage the idea to actually see results in their jobs.

BE: What are you looking forward to most about the conference?

MF : I have been working with the BrightEdge platform for a while now and I have been excited about the capabilities that I have found so far. I think Share15 will be an excellent opportunity to learn about more of the latest technology and capabilities as well as a chance to network with some of the greatest minds in the industry. It should be an exciting few days.

We always enjoy speaking with Mark about Share and about the marketing industry. We look forward to seeing him in less than 2 months at the event.

Come join us! Early bird pricing only lasts until July 31, so register today .

Conference details
September 21-23
Westin St. Francis
San Francisco, CA


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