The Power of Collaboration and Share of Voice Functionality

The digital world has become increasingly competitive. According to IBM , roughly 90 percent of the information on the Internet today has been produced in just the past two years. To answer the need of businesses trying to compete in this saturated space, BrightEdge has developed Share of Voice to help you see exactly how much of the market share on a topic is controlled by your brand, rather than having to guess at the relevance of your pages.

Share of Voice - Power of Collaboration

This innovation can provide you with more insight than just learning about your competitors, however. You can also use the positioning information to learn about potential partners. There are several different types of partnerships you can leverage to improve your brand reach and reputation, particularly blog partners, affiliate partners, and channel partners.

The essential component in all three types of collaboration is finding professionals who have a strong readership among your intended demographic. Use the Share of Voice technology to find potential partners and measure important factors, such as their ranking for certain keywords and keyword groups, their page profiles, backlinks and search volume. This can help you identify the optimal partners in each category.

Blog Partners

Blog partners can help you by providing you access to your ideal audience and offering you a platform to exchange blog posts. When you publish a guest post on a blog that is read by your intended audience, you have the opportunity to extend your brand reach and interact with parts of your consumer base that you might not have otherwise met. The blog partner will be vouching for you by allowing you to post on their blog, which helps you to establish authority in the eyes of the readers. Links to your main site in the body or in your signature can help bring some of this targeted demographic back to your site, where they can learn more about you and what you can do for them.

You can also find blog partners that would be willing to make a guest post on your blog. If your blog partner is a respected member of the industry, then a post can add an extra degree of authority to your blog. You can also ask the partner to link from their site to your blog for the post to increase readership and drive relationships.

Blog partners can also be great sources of backlinks. In addition to the thought leadership and brand reach benefits of guest posts, writing informative pieces for other sites can be a great way to boost your backlink profile and therefore your search ranking.

Affiliate Partners

Affiliates are rewarded for every customer they bring your business. You can track sites that have a strong reach within your intended consumer base and ask them to join your affiliate program and help you get the message about your brand into the hands of your customers. You might have an arrangement to display ads on their sites or you might ask them to promote a product or service through their own original content.

The key to finding good affiliate partners is tracking sites that run quality sites with quality pages themselves. Google has been cracking down on affiliate sites that exist solely for the purpose of capturing and redirecting traffic towards other pages. For you to correctly use this tactic for your advantage, you need to find site owners that have a strong, natural audience for a particular keyword or keyword group. They will continue to serve their own audience while also providing you with an affiliate service, such as displaying ads.

Channel Partners

Channel partners are other brands who would like to work with you to market your goods and services. They might go through a certification course of some kind to master your offerings and then market it to their own customers. It is an excellent way to leverage your network to work for you, particularly on a local level. This type of relationship requires you to be in constant communication with your partners to make sure that they are up-to-date on the latest products and services. It is a mutually beneficial relationship where they grow when you grow, so they are looking for ways to help you achieve your goals.

Finding the right channel partners, however, requires tracking down professionals and businesses that already have a strong grasp and expertise in your intended market. Channel partners that can best help your brand to grow will have the industry insight needed to be effective.

The Share of Voice technology can be a fantastic resource for learning about competitors and how you measure up for your targeted keywords, but it also can help you build the partnerships that will move your brand forward. The insights can help you identify key blog, affiliate and channel partners that will help you grow and leverage your network by gauging market research and traffic. Recognize the value of collaboration in your growth and take advantage of all that BrightEdge Share of Voice has to offer.


How to increase your share of voice?

increase share of voice with content