Uncovering the Power of Backlinks with Majestic at Share15

Majestic and Backlinks

Majestic is one of the leaders in providing backlink analysis and we are excited that they will be joining us in a few weeks for an educational lab at Share15. Majestic is our partner and helps to power our own backlink management software. The data our users can access through their technology is very useful and helps us provide a complete SEO management system that provides recommendations on how to get backlinks .

We always enjoy having the opportunity to speak with Majestic, so we wanted to chat a bit before Share15 kicks off in just a few weeks. Dixon Jones, the Marketing Director for the brand, was able to find the chance to sit down with us. The conversation was very helpful and insightful and we wanted to share the highlights.

Majestic        Dixon Jones Dixon Jones Majestic

What Majestic Will Be Presenting at Share

BrightEdge (BE): Can you tell us a little more about what you will be presenting at Share?

Dixon Jones(DJ): Our main objective is to let the attendees that are interested really get under the hood of backlink analysis because as people get technically proficient they are really able see the value of that data.

Then there is a whole second learning curve in understanding how to turn “Link Analysis” into “Link Intelligence”. That might sound a bit cliche, but that is what we are doing. We will be running a workshop that will let attendees see how data is collected, how to analyze it, how to understand metrics and how to benefit from what we have to offer. By running this as an optional workshop, we hope to be able to go very deep into the Majestic engine without boring those that just want an overview. Those who are looking for more of an introduction can come to our booth with live data to see what we can offer.

What Makes Share so Special

BE: Why Share15? What are you excited for the most about this event?

DJ: When we said that we would be at Share15 that was no small commitment. We will be traveling 5,351 miles from Majestic’s offices and we will be represented at director level. That is how important we view Share.

Why Share15? Because we sense that this will be the “big” one. We attended Share14 and we were happy to be involved. There was an impressive turnout with fantastic attendees and speakers– but we think that Share15 is going to be even better. It will have the same caliber of attendees, but also will be even more attuned to helping Majestic share knowledge and insight with the audience.

On Getting the Most Out of Share

BE: What advice would you give to Share attendees to get the most out the event?

DJ: Network! There is so much talent at Share, but the talented people are not necessarily the extroverted ones. Just remember that the person that you probably REALLY want to talk to at the coffee break or the drinks reception is not the boisterous one taking up the limelight… but the quiet one in the corner. That said, you also want to have an exit route planned if you find yourself having to spend the entire conference speaking with the same person.

The Value of the BrightEdge-Majestic Partnership

BE: How has your partnership at BrightEdge influenced Majestic?

DJ: BrightEdge is Majestic’s largest user by many measures– not least the sheer amount of data that they consume. It is enormous and both sides have invested a huge amount of energy in the early stages of the partnership, ensuring that the data bridge was robust enough for BrightEdge’s demands. I do not think any other partnership could have pulled this level of link-data crunching off. We respect BrightEdge’s ability to handle data and we believe that we have been a most reliable partner. To help cement that relationship, we allow BrightEdge to set up “BrightEdge Gold” accounts for their customers directly. This allows customers of BrightEdge to use one of the most advanced backlink checker tools and work directly with the Majestic data without any need for setting up a separate supplier agreement. This is a unique element of our very strong partnership.

This was a fantastic conversation with Dixon Jones of Majestic. We cannot wait to continue it in just a few weeks when Share15 kicks off in the heart of San Francisco.

If you have not had the chance to register for the conference, visit our event page now to make sure you do not miss the opportunity.

Conference Details
September 21-23
Westin, St. Francis
San Francisco, CA
