Weekly Marketing Update: Real-Time Marketing and Bing’s Site Safety Initiative

In this week’s digital marketing news, Twitter triumphs as the 2014 World Cup real-time marketing platform and Bing initiates a “site safety” strategy to protect its users.

Other highlights include my take on content marketing as a dinner party, and BrightEdge’s interviews with top brands this week, including Adidas Group, Bing, Google and Seagate Technology — all of which will be speakers at BrightEdge’s Share 14 event!

Catch up with the latest and greatest … and enjoy!

Content from the CEO

”Winning At #RealTimeMarketing On Twitter” by Jim Yu

In his article for Marketing Land, BrightEdge CEO Jim Yu discusses Twitter’s “real-time marketing capabilities,” and how the social media platform “has proven to be an essential way for brands to become a part of people’s lives.”


Citing Twitter’s 2014 World Cup statistics of 672 million tweets in July , Jim notes: “That’s just one event. Consider the millions of events that define our world each day … there’s rarely a significant occurrence that’s not being discussed on Twitter. And for many brands, the people having those conversations comprise your target market.”

Jim elaborates that the trick is “joining the conversation in a relevant, thoughtful and meaningful way. Real-time marketing requires brands take a strategic approach to the types of moments they want to be a part of.”

So before demonstrating your marketing agility by jumping into “newsjacking” on Twitter, first make sure you have “the right tools and the right message,” advises Jim.

He references Adidas for demonstrating its “leadership in real-time marketing on Twitter, as it succeeded in “becoming the most talked about brand on the social platform during the World Cup.” According to a report by Ad Age , Jim says, Adidas’ World Cup real-time campaign was the culmination of many months of planning.

Jim concludes that while smaller brands may not have the resources to approach that of Adidas’, they can still “leverage simple tools and strategies to start small with real-time marketing on Twitter.”

Content from the Bright Ideas Blog

”Why Content Marketing is Like a Dinner Party” by Andy Betts

Have you ever hosted a dinner party? If so, you probably know it’s a mix of stellar recipes combined with art, timing and technique. Like a dinner party, content marketing requires the right elements to serve the right solution at the right time . This was the theme of my post this week for the Bright Ideas blog.

As a brand, you’re in charge of creating a digital banquet that will delight your target audience. And, to do this, you need a few key elements, including:

  1. The chef: The digital marketing strategist –  Usually the CMO, the “chef” is “charged with coordinating content marketing and organic search strategies.
  2. The main dish: Content –  As “the star of the party,” content is the centerpiece of your brand’s digital marketing strategy.
  3. The art and technique: SEO “sauce” – Organic search to the “timing” aspect that enhances your content to get it in front of the right people at the right time.

”7 Dos and Don’ts of Onboarding to Get New Hires Contributing – and Fast” by Emily Alojado

BrightEdge invests in planning when it comes to bringing its new hires up to speed, writes Emily Alojado for the Bright Ideas Blog.

Illustration of a Handshake

”The faster a new hire feels welcomed and prepared for the job, the faster this person will be able to contribute to the company’s success. It makes good sense for companies; onboarding using the ‘sink-or-swim’ method where staff struggles to figure out what’s expected will eventually negatively impact return.”

Emily lists seven “dos and don’ts” of a successful onboarding process:

  1. Don’t Skimp on Time Invested for Onboarding
  2. Don’t Make Onboarding Just an HR Function
  3. Do Ensure New Hires “Get” the Strategic Vision of the Company
  4. Do Make Sure New Hires Know the Culture
  5. Don’t Forget to Teach about Products and Services
  6. Do Familiarize the New Hire with the Website
  7. Do Cross-Train for Teams That Impact One Another

Emily concludes:

”Although taking the time to ramp up an employee does mean a short-term hit on productivity for those involved in the on-boarding process, it’s a win-win for all parties. The sooner new hires are ramped up, the sooner they’ll be productive. And, this benefits new employees who want to prove that they can be a productive member of the team.”

Search News

New Bing Site Safety Page Tells You Why Sites Aren’t Safe to Visit

Bing has rolled out a site safety page for Web searches to better understand why Bing is indicating that a site may not be safe to visit.

From the announcement:

In the past, a customer would click on a potentially dangerous search result and be presented with a warning cautioning them that visiting this site could be dangerous, but with no real context or background information. With the rollout of the Bing Site Safety Page, Bing users can now understand in more depth the reasons for the warning, and more technically savvy users can potentially make better informed decisions (e.g. disabling javascript and plugins before visiting the site, or providing the site owner a link to the BSSPpage as a point of reference when they encounter the warning.)

Bing said additional changes would be coming soon, to include:

  • Total number of URLs detected as malicious on the site
  • Types of malware found
  • Last date of suspicious activity
  • When the site was last scanned
  • Warning trigger rate/ coverage


Share 14 is only a few weeks away, held August 20 to 22. We’re holding it in San Francisco’s exquisite Palace Hotel. Featuring thought leaders in digital marketing, our Share14 event is a must-attend!

Check out the interviews this week on the Bright Ideas blog with speakers at Share:

There’s only a few days left to register for this amazing digital marketing conference at a discounted price: Act now, before August 7!

Feel free to test your knowledge with BrightEdge  Digital Marketing Quiz  or SEO Quiz .

Have a fantastic weekend!