Weekly Marketing Update: Content Inspiration & World Cup

Coming off of an awesome week at SMX Advanced, we’re bringing you the latest and greatest in SEO and search this week. Check out our picks!

Content from the Bright Ideas Blog

“The Evolution of the SEO to the Modern-Day Marketer” by Andy Betts

What does it take to survive today’s marketing landscape? From the traditional days of SEO to the complexity of holistic digital marketing, professional roles are evolving to stay relevant. In this post by Andy Betts for the Bright Ideas blog, he discusses survival of the fittest with a little insight from an enterprise SEO professional and talent recruiting expert.

Evolution Depiction

Just some of the required skills to survive, said those who weighed in, include;

  • Analytics skills
  • Technical SEO skills
  • The ability to prioritize projects based on impact
  • Demand-generation experience

For those who evolve with the times, there’s a nice pay day waiting. According to data from the BrightEdge 2014 Search Marketer survey, 55 percent of marketers who received a pay raise in 2013 saw a 10 percent- to 25 percent-lift in income.

“Ignite Your SEO Success!” by Nicole Lupoch

At BrightEdge, we deliver SEO innovations 10 times per year, and do so with the help of customers who tell BrightEdge what they want in the S3 platform. In her post for the BrightEdge blog, Nicole Lopuch walks readers through the latest product and features release, starting with a recap of the “Ignite Onboarding” program for customers.


In this latest release, BrightEdge:

  • Launches the “Voice of the Customer” program, allowing customers to tell BrightEdge what they want through a “Feature Ideas” portal.
  • Supports access to the Data Cube, BrightEdge’s massive data repository, in Germany and Australia.
  • Adds 81 new cities to local search management capabilities within the platform.

In-Depth Articles from the Marketing Community

“Why You Don’t See World Cup Ads on Google” by Ginny Marvin

With the 2014 World Cup starting this week, all eyes are on how brands are leveraging the event in their marketing strategies. But why aren’t World Cup ads appearing on Google? Ginny Marvin explains in her latest on Search Engine Land.

It turns out that the organization that runs the World Cup, FIFA, “has trademark or intellectual property protection on terms including ‘World Cup’, ‘FIFA’, ‘COPA 2014’ and even ‘Brazil 2014’,” Ginny reported.

From the post:

Search for “Brazil 2014,” and you won’t see ads from companies selling tickets, travel packages, or even FIFA-authorized shirts. Instead you’ll see what Google calls a OneBox, which at this point offers an at-a-glance view of upcoming matches, a rundown of the team groups, a game bracket, and a link to FIFA.com

Google World Cup Results

Ginny points out there are loopholes in AdWords advertising around the World Cup. For example, sponsors of an event are often granted an exception. Or, shopping-focused terms around official World Cup gear could serve up ads.

“5 Places to Find Content Inspiration in a Dreary Office” by Arienne Holland

When you’re creating new content on a daily basis, it’s natural to hit a dry spell. Adrienne Holland gives five tips on Marketing Land for finding inspiration when you’re out of content ideas, like:

  1.  The company bulletin board.
  2. Out the window of the office.
  3. Conversations with clients.
  4. The coffee pot aka getting up and moving.
  5. The company newsletter.

… Where have you found inspiration?

Birds Eye View Office


“Which Social Media Accounts Really Matter and Why” by Neil Patel

Social media is an essential facet of your overall marketing strategy, but it’s often hard to tell where to align efforts and which channels to forego. Here is Neil Patel’s roundup for Entrepreneur.com of which channels actually matter.

In it, Neil covers “The Big 4” – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+, and discusses how brands can make the decision on where to focus efforts by asking:

  • Where is my audience?
  • Where is my audience active?
  • Where is my audience searching?
  • What niche social media sites are right for me?

Social Media Stats

“Content Marketing: 3 Overlooked Content Sources” by Brad Miller

With so many different forms of content available at our disposal, deciding what form it will take and where to pull content from is just as important as how you promote it. Here are Brad Miller’s three overlooked sources for content, featured on Search Engine Watch:

  1. Events and speaking engagements, making sure to record the talks.
  2. Hosting a brainstorming session with colleagues to talk freely on a given topic.
  3. Repurpose content, such as making a white paper into multiple posts, or combining 20 posts into a PDF asset.

Search Marketing News

World Cup is Cited to Be “Most Social” Sporting Event

According to Adobe and the Adobe Social Index (ADI), this year’s World Cup is the globe’s most social sporting event, ever. From a report at ClickZ :

ADI reports that 90 percent of the world has already contributed to the World Cup conversation ahead of the first game, compared to 84 percent for the Olympics and 78 percent for the Super Bowl. That’s based on an analysis of geo-tagged social mentions across 14 social networks. While there are 255 recognized countries or territories, 230 of them generated at least one mention on social media.

Here are a few fast facts about the social buzz worldwide:

  • Forty-eight percent is coming from the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region.
  • Japan is responsible for 78 percent of the APAC buzz (attributed to the high use of Twitter there).
  • Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) make up 32 percent.
  • The Americas came in at 20 percent total.

Graph of Social Stats

How are you leveraging this massive opportunity for Word Cup exposure?


Share14 is On Its Way!

We’re getting closer to BrightEdge’s digital marketing event, Share14 . On August 20 to 22 in San Francisco, the world’s leading brands will take the stage to talk about what’s hot in digital marketing right now. Discounted pricing ends August 7.

With that, enjoy your weekend, everyone!