Weekly Marketing Update: Search, Social, Mobile

Stay updated on the latest and greatest in the marketing world! Here are the stories we think you need to read for the week ending June 6.

Content from the CEO

“What Content Marketers Can Learn from TV” by Jim Yu

Child Watching TV

Thirty-six million people sent 990 million tweets about television in 2013. Clearly, there’s an opportunity here, but how can you take advantage to enhance your content marketing game?

In this piece for Huffington Post , Jim discusses how brands can gain inspiration from strategies in television.

Brands can learn lessons from niche television channels, for example. You’d never see a romantic comedy on the sports channel, ESPN, right? Take cues from the specialized content television runs, Jim says, and apply it to your content marketing plan.

“TV producers understand that certain channels cater to certain audiences, preferences and expectations. The same can be said for the different ‘channels” for content marketing,” Jim said in his article. In each channel, from Facebook to Twitter to Pinterest and Instagram, content is digested differently. Ultimately, the most effective networks for your content marketing efforts depend largely on your audience, their interests and the type of content at your disposal.”

“Optimize LinkedIn Like a Pro to Boost Your Personal Brand” by Jim Yu

Professional marketers have stories to tell about their accomplishments, experience and know-how, which collectively makes up a personal brand. With more than 259 million members on LinkedIn, there’s no better place to tell that brand story.

In this post for Marketing Land , Jim discusses critical areas in a LinkedIn profile to optimize to gain more visibility in LinkedIn’s search results, and how to share content to build thought leadership.

Some of these tips include:

  • Optimizing the LinkedIn profile by paying special attention to the headline, summary and experience areas, using keywords that represent what you do.
  • Taking advantage of LinkedIn’s long-form posts offering, and understanding LinkedIn’s content curation service, Pulse, and how to maximize the chance of your content showing there.

In-Depth Articles from the Marketing Community

“5 Ways Social Data Can Enhance Marketing Data” by Uri Bar-Joseph

hand touching digital tablet

Social media is a great resource for insightful data, and there is a ton of it floating around. In this post for Search Engine Watch , Uri outlines five ways to leverage social data to enhance marketing data, including:

  1. Using social data to provide added value for selling.
  2. Using social data to enhance TV ratings.
  3. Using engagement to test messaging.
  4. Using social ads data to test creative.
  5. Using social trends to research keywords.

“Learnings from SMX London” by Alan K’necht

At SMX London in May, representatives from Google and Bing took the stage to talk about social signals and ranking. Both reps reiterated that social indicators were not a part of their ranking algorithms.

They did, however, give more insight into how search engines treat social signals, including what social engagement does to bots and how social links factor. Here are a couple highlights from Alan’s post at Search Engine Land :

  • When a Web page has a lot of social shares, the search engines know something is happening, and that page may be indexed much quicker than if there were no social indicators.
  • The search engines don’t use social links in their algorithm, but do evaluate social links to ensure they’re natural. One example of this, said Alan, was “if a new piece of content gets 100 links in its first day but only 5 social shares, something seems off. On the other hand, something that gets 100 links and 10,000 social shares makes more sense.”

Search Marketing News

Google to Warn Mobile Users of Faulty Redirects

We know mobile optimization is a never-ending topic of discussion. Google has been taking steps to ensure webmasters know good ways to create mobile-optimized sites, and warning those who don’t have good mobile experiences that there could be consequences.

Google announced it will now alert smartphone users when faulty redirects occur that point them to the home page of a mobile site  versus the page they asked for. On the Webmaster Central Blog, Google stated:

Starting today in our English search results in the US, whenever we detect that smartphone users are redirected to a homepage instead of the page they asked for, we may note it below the result. If you still wish to proceed to the page, you can click “Try anyway.”

The “crawl errors” reports in Google Webmaster Tools will now help webmasters identify faulty redirects happening on their site, too.

More Than 40% of Twitter Users Worldwide Will be in APAC by 2018

eMarketer released findings of its first-ever forecast of Twitter users worldwide, and said Twitter’s user base will increase by 24.4 percent in 2014, with the Asia-Pacific region accounting for 32.8 percent of all Twitter users. This is compared to 23.7 percent of Twitter users in the United States.

eMarketer forecasts that by 2018, Twitter will grow 10.7 percent to reach nearly 400 million users globally. And, APAC will be more than double North America’s share. “If China is on the Twitter map by that point,” says eMarketer, “that share is likely to be significantly higher.”

Twitter Users by Region

Check out this Twitter SEO case study for tidbits on how to succeed with Twitter.

Upcoming Events

  • SMX Advanced:  BrightEdge is a Gold Sponsor of SMX Advanced in Seattle next week, starting June 11. We’ll be exhibiting at Booth 22, so come on by to see the latest feature releases in our SEO platform. You can also check out CEO Jim Yu at his presentation on advanced mobile SEO.
  • Share14:  On August 20 to 22, BrightEdge hosts its annual Share14 digital marketing event in San Francisco, which invites the globe’s top brands to talk about what’s hot in digital marketing right now. Discounted pricing ends August 7.

Have a great weekend, y’all!