Why Brands Love Share and What Will Make Share15 the Conference to Remember

Share15 is just weeks away, and we have found that the timing could not be more critical to the success of marketers across the country. The statistics that have been coming in have been extraordinary.

  • By 2020 there will be an estimated 44 trillion gigabytes of online data available. Compare that to just 4.4 trillion gigabytes in 2013. Much of that increase will be fueled by the creation of content by professionals.
  • According to IBM , an estimated 90 percent of the content available today has been produced in just the past 2 years.
  • An estimated 83 percent of brands now use content marketing to market their business and influence their online image– even if they do not have a documented strategy in place

These statistics mean that the Internet is now extremely saturated with content. If you want to stand out, you have to be equipped with the right tools and experience. Share15 will help brands understand how to make their content break through and generate results. The logos below represent a fraction of the brands speaking at Share15.

speaker logo board

“No conference today has assembled such concentration of search and digital marketers from big brands and that’s a very compelling proposition.” -Alex Edlund of Marriott

Share15 Attendees

About Share

At Share we plan on offering three tracks: Content, Digital, and Search. Each of these groups has their own special concerns about how to succeed in the world of digital marketing. Share works to build a strong community among the attendees so that they can learn how to improve their own jobs and success.

“Share14 was extremely valuable for the team and enjoyable for all of us. The speakers and content were first-rate as was the networking and hospitality.” – Adobe Systems

The conference will bring together some of the greatest industry minds and over 1,000 experienced marketers in the heart of San Francisco for exciting and engaging presentations, excellent opportunities for networking and the chance to grow as a professional.

What makes Share so unique

There are numerous conferences held each year, but Share captures attention because it takes the experience of attendee to the next level.

Share15 Captures Attention

Rather than just being a passive listener to different presentations, we work to create an experience where you are an active participant. We will introduce lab sessions where you can work on your own laptop in small groups and practice implementing all the new information. You will learn more about the industry-leading BrightEdge platform and how to use the different tools to maximize your content marketing strategy.

BrightEdge technology includes some of the foremost advancements in analytics and data collection, including the Data Cube, which allows you to gather information on a massive scale about keyword performance, search and how your site measures up to the competition and demand. You will gain training and experience so that you can take these tools and achieve marketing success long after the conference closes its doors.

“Every industry has an ‘inner circle.’ Share is it for SEO and Content Marketing” – Majestic

Content marketers

Content marketers understand the urgent need to produce content that will resonate with the desired audience. At Share15 you will learn about and produce effective and relevant content. You will also learn about collaborating across teams and departments to create this important material and how to integrate the content production across multiple channels.

Digital marketers

Those on the digital marketing track will learn about better managing their different channels. A successful campaign will be able to integrate the different channels and align them with business goals. You will also delve into revenue and how to demonstrate ROI.

Feel free to test your knowledge with BrightEdge  Digital Marketing Quiz  or SEO Quiz .

Search professionals

Search marketing becomes increasingly precise and sophisticated with each passing year. At Share, you will explore the latest algorithm changes and how to make sure your site remains compliant with the latest algorithm changes. You will delve into data analysis and how to effectively measure ROI. Explore different data tools and see first hand how they can help you solve your own marketing challenges.

Fun at Share14

The fantastic day sessions will only be matched by our entertaining evenings. The parties and events held during the evening hours will provide you with optimal opportunities to speak with industry leaders from global brands and experts who have been in the industry from the beginning. The network and peer-to-peer sharing opportunities promise to add even more to the conference and make it one to remember.

The online marketing industry continues to change at lightning speed. Google and the major search engines regularly update their algorithms, the Internet has become increasingly saturated with content and marketers must learn how to get themselves noticed.

Share15 offers professionals the opportunity to convene, brainstorm and learn together. Take an active role in enhancing your career. Network, work out problems and learn with representatives from global brands.

Tickets Are Selling Fast

Take advantage of our early bird special pricing before July 31 and receive the incredible value of Share15 for even less.

Conference details
September 21-23, 2015
Westin St. Francis
San Francisco, CA

We hope to see you there

Share15 BrightEdge